Music Box


Union of Crows (Salt House)

My favorite song ever :) it means a lot to me, and it's also CRIMINALLY obscure

Horace in Brighton (Bird in the Belly)

Bird in the Belly!!!!!!!!!! It was really difficult for me to not fill this entire page with everything they've written. They're one of my favorite bands, and definitely worth checking out if you're interested in folk music, history, or lovely vocals.

The Unquiet Grave (Siobhan Miller)

I think Siobhan Miller's singing speaks for itself, honestly. Holy shit listen to her.

Exeunt (The Oh Hellos)

Okay. Confession: the Oh Hellos were my folk gateway drug. I'm especially fond of Dear Wormwood. Solider, Poet, King is really well-known, but the rest of the album is also lovely. Here's one that doesn't get talked about as often.

Wild Blue Yonder (The Amazing Devil)

Weirdly enough, I'm not especially fond of The Amazing Devil's other albums, but I LOVE The Horror and the Wild. I think it just hit at the right time in my life. Goddamn that relationship sure can fail.

Tip: play all of these at once for the ultimate musical experience